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- Apr 12 Sun 2009 01:08
4月15日 謝和弦_首張專輯<雖然很芭樂> 正式發行
- Dec 24 Wed 2008 14:17
- Dec 08 Mon 2008 22:40
最近 某人傳寄了這篇文章給我
讀了覺得很有趣 發現週遭的一些人 的確有著所紀錄著的性格
- Nov 08 Sat 2008 16:40
Accurate Horoscope 很准的十二星座性格分析表
某人转寄了一封信给我 信中诉说 关于十二星座的性格分析表
本家读完 觉得还蛮准的 各位客官 您怎么看?
对厚!各位客官 排谢涅~
本家没法子把这篇文章 翻译去中文版 请海涵 。。。。献上无止境的抱歉
- Jul 25 Fri 2008 23:41
The Sony VAIO Hunt
Travel The World To Hunt For VAIO Parts, Solve Puzzle By Answering Simple Questions And Stand A Chance To Win A New VAIO CR!
- Jul 03 Thu 2008 22:06
末日鐘 by陸游游
隨著電子產品的出現 很多人都不再使用上鏈的傳統鐘錶了
另外 現代的鐘錶準確度也比以前的產品高 所以很多人對"調較時鐘"就感到很陌生
這次 本家想跟大家分享一篇讀到的文章 這篇文章是關於調鐘的話題
- Jun 15 Sun 2008 11:54
What's John 3:16 means?
A friend had sent me an e-mail about John 3:16 . After reading it, I started thinking about what it meant to me. And now I share the e-mail with you guys and hope you can find it out yourselves.
It written:
A little boy was selling newspapers on the corner, the people were in and out of the cold. The little boy was so cold that he wasn't trying to sell many papers. He walked up to a policeman and said, "Mister, you wouldn't happen to know where a poor boy could find a warm place to sleep tonight would you? You see, I sleep in a box up around the corner there and down the alley and it's awful cold in there for tonight. Sure would be nice to have a warm place to stay."
- Jun 01 Sun 2008 23:43
Michael Jackson had become a monkey?!
Michael Jackson had become a monkey?! or
A monkey had become Michael Jackson?! or
Had you ever seen a monkey singing and acting like Michael Jackson?
WELL! You Do Now!
- May 21 Wed 2008 22:10
幾個月前 在網上這邊走走 那邊逛逛時 突然 發現了一篇文章
那文章 讀起來的感覺 超有意思的 超多笑點的
可以說 笑到旁人會以為你「起肖」(有看過這套漫畫的人 反應應該最強吧)
但是 它說的又是事實 (看過的人都有同感)
- May 04 Sun 2008 05:51
Maya Angelou's Best Poem Ever
enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own,
even if she never wants to or needs to...
- Mar 23 Sun 2008 22:33
God said, No!
I asked God to take away my habit.
God said, ‘No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.’
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said, ‘No. His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary.’
- Mar 23 Sun 2008 22:27
主說 不!
主說 不 它不該由我來拿走 而該由你來捨棄它
主說 不 他的靈魂已完整 而身體只是暫時的
- Mar 23 Sun 2008 21:37
Three Things In Life
I've received a forwarded email.
I've read and felt it's meaningful.
Therefore, I'd like to share it with you guys, 'Three Things In Life'.
Three things in life that once gone and never come back:
- Mar 23 Sun 2008 20:37
If you love someone...
Actual Quote:
If you love someone, set her free.
If she comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, she never was.
- Mar 23 Sun 2008 20:36
Life needs...
Always try to help a friend in need.
Believe in yourself.
Be brave...but it's ok to be afraid sometimes.
Give lots of kisses.
Laugh often.
- Mar 23 Sun 2008 20:22
80's Babies (Malaysian Version)
For your reading pleasure...some might be true.
Hope you will all enjoy reading it. This might bring you back the old memory especially during those school days.....
Signs that you are a 80s' baby:
- Feb 23 Sat 2008 18:19
Within Temptation

Within Temptation have come a long way in the last ten years. From their humble beginnings, the Dutch band have now sold over 1.5 million CDs and DVDs world-wide, making them not only Holland’s biggest selling musical export but also one of the fastest growing new rock acts internationally.
Formed in 1996 around the nucleus of guitarist Robert Westerholt and vocalist Sharon den Adel, Within Temptation released their debut album Enter through Dutch indie label DSFA the following April. The album saw the band playing gigs across the continent, firmly cementing their phenomenal live reputation – most notably two appearances at the legendary Dynamo festival (in both 1997 and then on the main stage in 1998).